How do I change my account password? [Instructions for password change] Can I have multiple websites under one account? [Information about account capabilities] How do I cancel my account? [Account cancellation process]
What types of hosting plans do you offer? [Overview of different hosting plans] How do I upgrade or downgrade my hosting plan? [Instructions for changing hosting plans] Do you offer WordPress hosting? [Information about WordPress hosting, if offered]
What services does Hezi Host offer? [Brief answer about your hosting services] How do I create an account with Hezi Host? [Step-by-step guide to account creation] What payment methods do you accept? [List of accepted payment methods]
How can I contact your support team? [Contact information and support hours] Do you offer 24/7 support? [Information about support availability] How do I report a technical issue? [Steps to report and escalate technical issues]
How do I register a new domain? [Brief guide on domain registration process] Can I transfer my existing domain to Hezi Host? [Information on domain transfer process] How do I renew my domain? [Explanation of domain renewal process]
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